HeroCompare is a Comparison Shopping Site to help consumers find the best deal across a variety of products.
When your Merchant Centre account is connected to HeroCompare we automatically populate the website with your products and link your Google Search Ads account.
This enables you to directly enter the Google Shopping auction and take advantage of cost savings.
Following a ruling by the EU Commission Google hope to ‘level the playing field’ by creating a separate business to run Google Shopping.
As a result when buying shopping adverts directly through Google an additional margin is taken from bids.
As part of this separation google have opened up the auction enable comparison shopping sites (CSS) to enter the shopping auction directly resulting in a reduction of CPCs
Access via API enables a reduction in cost per click by up to 20%
Receive significant rebates on you shopping account (Up to £32,000 per month) based on investment
Advertisers link their Google merchant centre account to the HeroCompare Merchant Centre Account.
HeroCompare will then display your products on our website automatically based on the products you already submit to merchant centre.
Shopping Adverts on will show “by HeroCompare” rather than “by Google” when customers click on the product link within the advert they get taken directly to the merchant website.
Campaign Management & billing remain unchanged.
HeroCompare.com is a product owned by MediaCom North. If you would like to know more about our Retailer or Agency opportunites please contact us.